Fow Wow started back in 2013 on post-it notes. The first post-it designs were Type 1 Diabetic puns as Jonathan (owner) has been T1D since the age of 7. His goal was to bring awareness with a side of humor on Type 1 Diabetes while building a bond among other T1Diabetics.
After realizing there was not a large population of Type 1 Diabetics with his sense of humor those punny post-its shifted to the city and state he was born in…Huntsville, Alabama.
In 2017, after raising funds for several non-profits with punny Huntsville designs…he met several people who encouraged him to grow the Fow Wow brand. Bill Neiland, Bridgette Jordan & Stuart Whiting teamed up to start Fow Wow Apparel Company LLC. This team helped Fowler grow his confidence into turning out hundreds of designs for the great people, places and things that make Huntsville, Alabama and other small towns unique.
In 2023, Fow Wow Designs LLC was created.
Born and raised in the great state of Alabama my goal was to get out of Huntsville and Alabama. I traveled all around this beautiful country and a few others across the pond.
Many people would talk negative about Alabama…majority had never stepped foot on our beautiful soil….I felt called to let them know about the good people, places and things that unite most. I soon fell back in love with my hometown and Alabama and decided to focus on the good. The climbing, the music, the innovations, the space (universe and housing), the gravy, the biscuits, the coffee, the sandy white beaches, the lakes, the funky landmarks, the cast iron skillets, the rooster crowing in 5 Points, the brew, the people, the places and the things.
I chose to stay and find the good and share the good. If you haven’t been here…come see…I’ll buy you a coffee or a brew or a biscuit with sausage gravy.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non finibus tellus. Donec laoreet ipsum vel eleifend tempor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non finibus tellus. Donec laoreet ipsum vel eleifend tempor. Suspendisse eu suscipit enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non finibus tellus. Donec laoreet ipsum vel eleifend tempor.