Parkway Jose
Available at local events. Reach out if you are interested in purchasing.
Chad Camp Collab
The 80s brought some unlikely STARS to Huntsville. One of those STARS in the first game at The Joe on April 19th, 1985 stepped up to plate hit a Grand Slam. This fellas name was Jose and he blasted 20 more in the 85 season. This was the start of the legend of Parkway Jose. While I never saw any in person…there are stories of Parkway Jose crushing many homers to the Parkway.
I have had this design in my mind for years now…but I know my strengths and caricatures and really most art is not one of them. A few months ago a fella by the name of Chad Camp reached out to me. We had mutual friends and he had some ideas that may be good on a shirt. After about 2 hours I realized I was hanging with imo the Leonardo (TMNT and artist) of Hsv. I found out Chad is a true artist. He paints, molds, murals stuff, writes, creates, slangs oatmeal creme pies and is a pretty dang awesome dude that I now call a friend. After seeing some of his caricatures I told him my idea and less than 24 hours later….he hit it out of the park. Here is the first of the Chad Camp/Fow Wow Collab….Get ready yallz.
Go check out my amigo Chad….but stay tuned for more.